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Should You Invest In a National Park?

Should You Invest In a National Park?

Should You Invest In a National Park?

There are national parks all over the United States. They have all kinds of attractions, ranging from geysers that spout at a specific time to pristine rivers to a plethora of wildlife. People can even buy land.

Is  it worth getting national park investment land? What can you do with it when you get it?  Read on to learn more.

The History

Over the years, over 11,000 private parcels of national park land have been bought. The government puts them up for sale and while they often bid against themselves, non-profits also attempt to buy it. But individuals have done it too.

Once they have the land, what are the options for them? There are only a couple, really.

Hold It

People buy all kinds of things and sit on them for a while: stocks, real estate, and even collectibles like baseball cards. Should you treat national park land like that? It would be a good idea.

Why? Because national parks are not going to go anywhere. Even though some legislators are trying to get businesses to do development or drill for oil or expand logging, the public generally wants them to stay as is. The value of your investment is most likely not going to decrease.

Live There

There are people who have homes within national parks. They bought the land and they decided to make it their place to live. By doing that, they also got the right to build whatever type of abode they wanted.

On the plus side, they have nearly unequaled beauty in terms of scenery. Who would not want to wake up with lush forestry around them or running streams or rivers? That would be a big selling point for nature lovers.

On the other hand, they also have to share it with the animals that also dwell there. While it might be nice to see deer strolling around, there might be more… ornery denizens. They will also have people who are angry that there are people living in a national park.

In either case, people who do invest in it would do well to treat it as a long-term one. This is not something for the flipping crowd. It could be passed down from generation to generation as an heirloom.

Overall, it would be a nice thing for people to have… and it would make for an interesting conversation starter.

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